10 Numbers

今天我们将学习数字。英语中数字叫做number,同时这个单词也有号码的意思,例如手机号码在英文中叫做cellphone number。我们今天将学习数字0-10:zero(0),one(1),two(2),three(3),four(4),five(5),six(6),seven(7),eight(8),nine(9),ten(10)。当我们向他人询问手机号码时,我们可以问What’s your cellphone number?(你的手机号码是什么?)

479 Expressions to use on the phone part 1

今天我们来学习关于打电话的短语表达. 请根据上下文理解。A:Good afternoon. Sun Company (下午好,我们是太阳公司). N: Hello. Could I speak to Angela, please? (您好,请问Angela在吗?). R: One moment, please (请稍等). Voicemail: Angela Bell is on ...

480 Expressions to use on the phone part 2

今天我们继续学习关于打电话的短语表达.  B: Hello? N: Oh, Angela? B: No. This is Beth (不,我是Beth). N: Oh, I'm sorry (很抱歉). I think I have the wrong number (我想我拨错电话了). B: ...

481 Questions about phone conversations

今天我们来练习电话交谈,请回答以下问题:What can you say when you ask to speak to someone? (当你请求和别人通话的时候应该说什么?).  What can you say when you leave a voicemail message? (当你要语音留言的时候应该说什么?). What can ...

482 Expressions to use on the phone part 3

今天我们来继续学习电话交谈中经常使用的短语,我希望你们在屏幕面前多多练习。He was trying to talk to Angela on the phone but he couldn't (Nathan之前尝试给Angela打电话但没有拨通). Nathan is calling Angela again (现在Nathan又给Angela打电话). A: Hello! (你好!). N: Finally ...

484 Phone expressions exercise part 2

今天我们继续做关于电话交谈的练习。请根据上下文,选择四个短语当中合适的短语填空。请先记下以下四个短语:Have the wrong number (打错电话). Leave a message (留言). Break up (掉线). Call me back (给我回电). One of my friends called me at work but ...

485 Phone expressions exercise part 3

我们我们继续来做关于电话交谈的练习。我们之前复习了Call me back (给我回电). Break up (掉线). Leave a message (留言). Have the wrong number (打错电话). 我们今天复习另外三个短语:Have another call (有另外一通电话). Hold on (稍等). Get cut ...

486 Phone expressions exercise part 4

今天我们继续练习电话交谈。Are you fine? (你还好吗).请根据谈话内容选择合适的回应:A: I can't hear you…you're breaking up (我听不见。。。你掉线了). You: I have another call (我有另一通电话). You: Call me back later (稍后给我回电). A: Please ...

495 Phone expressions in context part 2

今天我们继续根据上下文理解并学习关于电话交谈的短语。 E: Tommy? It's Ellen. You won't believe it (你绝对不相信). T: Sorry, Ellen (不好意思,Ellen). Can you hold on a minute? (你能等我一下吗?). I have to turn the ...

496 Phone expressions in context part 3

今天我们继续在上下文中学习电话交谈中的用语. N: Hi, Akemi! I have some good news (我有一些好消息). A: Oh, I'm sorry. ___ I have another call (我有另外一通电话). N: Sure, go ahead (claro, ...

497 Phone expressions in context part 4

今天我们来做关于电话交谈的练习,请根据上下文填空。A: So yeah. I just read on a friend's social networking page that (我看到一位朋友社交网络上写。。。). B: Oh, ___… I need my charger (哦,___,我需要充电器). OK. Got it. ...

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